Photographer and artist Barbara Lynn Adams uses hyper collage photography techniques, layering together photographs of flowers with layers and fragments of photographs of her own original watercolor and oil paintings to create expressive, colorful, meta universes of flowers.
Her contemporary work is meant to be a conversation between subject and viewer. She aims for the environment to vibrate through the flowers. The translucent nature of her images to ask the viewer to see underworlds of vulnerability and beauty in ourselves and the flowers. Her work is informed by working as a pediatric oncology nurse for over a decade, witnessing the worlds within worlds of fragility, love, beauty and tragedy that illness and mortality can bring.
Technically, Adams starts with photographs of flowers. She then creates original artwork using watercolour, oil, acrylics which she then photographs and layers and collages into her pieces, creating textures, moment, vibrant colours. hard and soft dimensions of the flowers.
Adams loves all mediums of art but finds each one with its own shortcomings so by placing several mediums together in a photographic image, she can utilize different expressive qualities in each medium which allow many different aspects of a flower to be seen in one image, from water, to vibrancy, to texture, to movement and unique brush strokes.
Her emerging artwork has been included in photography shows at Las Laguna’s gallery in Laguna Beach, Praxis gallery in Minneapolis and online Art Show International gallery. She holds an BFA in Film/Photography from New York University and has studied painting with Fine Artist Dennis Perrin and Modern French Impressionist Artist Valerie Collymore.